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Foresteria Valdese Venezia
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Holiday home in Venice near Piazza San Marco

La Foresteria Valdese è una casa per ferie a Venezia vicino a Piazza San Marco e al Ponte di Rialto nel centro storico di Venezia.
È un punto di partenza ideale per visitare Venezia e la sua laguna.
A Palazzo Cavagnis, un tipico palazzo veneziano settecentesco, potrete soggiornare in un ambiente confortevole e accogliente, sapendo che anche voi contribuirete a sostenere i progetti di solidarietà sociale della Diaconia Valdese.
La Chiesa Evangelica Valdese (Unione delle Chiese metodiste e valdesi) ed il Centro Culturale hanno sede a Palazzo Cavagnis.
Gli orari dei culti domenicali sono disponibili nel sito della Chiesa valdese di Venezia
La reception è aperta tutti i giorni dalle 8 alle 19:30.
Nel Salone Busetto al 1° Piano Nobile si tengono eventi culturali.

Parcheggia da Marive Transport e prendi la navetta che ti porta direttamente a Fondamente Nove a pochi passi dal nostro Ostello FORESTERIA VALDESE DI VENEZIA. Beneficia dello sconto del 10% prenotando il servizio sul sito marive.it
Seleziona il nostro hotel\ostello sul menù a tendina per attivare lo sconto.

Foresteria Valdese Venezia is a holiday home in Venice near Piazza San Marco and the Rialto Bridge in the historic heart of Venice. It is an ideal starting point for a visit to Venice and its lagoon.
At Palazzo Cavagnis, a typical 18th century Venetian palace, you will find comfortable accommodations and a heart-warming environment knowing that you are also contributing to sustaining the solidarity projects of the Waldensian Diaconia.
The Waldensian Church (Union of the Methodist and Waldensian Churches) and the Cultural Centre are in Palazzo Cavagnis.
Religious services are held on Sunday mornings at 11.00 am.
Reception is open Mon-Sun from 8am to 7.30pm.
Cultural events are held in Salone Busetto Concert Hall on the Piano Nobile (1st floor).

Park at Marive Transport, and take the shuttle, which will bring you directly to Fondamente Nove a few steps away from the Hostel FORESTERIA VALDESE DI VENEZIA. You can benefit from a 10% discount by making the reservation for the service on the website marive.it
Select our Hotel\Hostel on the menu to activate the discount.

Das Waldenser Gästehaus in Venedig ist eine Ferienunterkunft nahe am Markusplatz und der Rialtobrücke im historischen Zentrum von Venedig. Es ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt, um Venedig und die Lagune zu besuchen.

Bei einem Aufenthalt im Palazzo Cavagnis, einem typischen venezianischen Palazzo aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, können Sie ein behagliches und komfortables Ambiente genießen und unterstützen gleichzeitig die sozialen Projekte der Waldenser Diakonie.

Die Evangelische Waldenserkirche (Union der Methodistischen und der Waldenser Kirche) und das Kulturzentrum haben ihren Sitz in Palazzo Cavagnis. Gottesdienste finden sonntags um 11.00 Uhr statt.

Die Rezeption ist von 8 Uhr bis 19:30 Uhr geöffnet.
Im Salone Busetto des Piano Nobile finden Kulturelle Veranstaltungen.

Parken Sie bei Marive Transport und nehmen Sie den Shuttle, der Sie direkt nach Fondamente Nove bringt, nur wenige Schritte von unserem Hostel FORESTERIA VALDESE DI VENEZIA. Profitieren Sie von 10% Rabatt, wenn Sie den Service auf marive.it buchen
Auswählen Sie unser Hostel/Hotel im Dropdown-Menü um den Rabatt zu aktievieren


Foresteria Valdese Venezia has attractive rooms, some with fresco
decorations, others with a view of the canals or the city rooftops, all provided with private bathrooms and three with a shared bathroom.

Locations & Contacts

In the Castello quarter (Sestiere), just a few steps away from Piazza San
Marco and the Rialto Bridge, walking distance from the train station and from Piazzale Roma; also accessible by vaporetto boats.


Holiday home in the heart of Venice, rooms with a view of Venice, lift to the main
floors, baggage deposit and free wi-fi available throughout the building.

About Us

Foresteria Valdese Venezia allots its earnings to the Waldensian Diaconia, which manages social and welfare services for the elderly, minors, migrants, refugees and disabled people, without any discrimination.

Good value in Venice.

Venice is expensive, so finding quiet, clean and comfortable accommodation at a reasonable price is very welcome. Like many places in Venice it isn't easy to find, so read the directions carefully! Yes, there are rules, but this means you can get a good night's sleep. Breakfast is quite simple, but with a reasonable choice and more than enough to eat. Fans but no air-con. If you want all the frills and luxuries, fine, pay hotel prices, but we were very happy to stay at the Foresteria. We found the staff friendly and helpful.

Beautiful, Quiet, Modest and Full of Character

I'm not the type to spend a lot of money on lodging. As long as I can get a quiet night and the place isn't a dump, then I'm satisfied. Now Venice is a very expensive city. If you want to stay in a hotel there and not burn a ton of money then this is your best option. Unless you are going in the Winter like me (and outside of Carnival or the film festival, then you definitely need to make your reservation well in advance. This place is very popular. It's reasonably close to Piazza San Marco but far enough away that you get away from the crowds and the canal on one side also helps keep it quiet. There are frescoes on the walls and ceilings in various places and while it is not fancy, it definitely exudes character and history.

Character, history, and overlooking canal

Love this out-of-the-beaten path location. The history of the building... architecture, marble and wood, and frescos on the walls made for such a great feeling of really being in Venice. We were close to everything but not in high traffic area. The nearby square is cozy and fun. Breakfast is adequate (bread, yogurt, and cereal), though we went to the square for a cup of good coffee :). Do need to observe early quiet hours, and no alcohol in room.